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Anyone know anything about this dealer- Autographcollector-NZ- Lorde

VS the one I got

Normally there is the underlining after the E on all other examples.

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I am not knowingly selling fakes! I'm only 18 I don't want trouble. I don't know why people think they are, if they are i have been portrayed by the people I trust the most. I will be getting a hold of the necessary COA documents for all items. This service is not available in New Zealand but it is likely to be in Australia. If it works out to expensive ( which is likely because of high postage charges in New Zealand). Instead of accusing me please work through this with me. I swear to my god that im not knowingly selling fakes and this is stressing me out.

Please he me how i should go about getting COAs, please guys help me.


On all my items on eBay i told people there would be a 100% refund if they got them checked and failed a COA, im guessing they were all checked and came back genuine because i have only received positive feedback. I have only sold about 7 items anyway.

If you had good intentions and didnt know you were selling fakes, then why did you come on here lying, pretending you were someone else? Why did you lie and claim to be some satisfied customer who bought authentic items from you? Why did you lie and say that the items you purchased from yourself all got major TPA authentication? These questions cant be answered by an honest seller........PERIOD.

These are bad forgeries, not even good attempts, yet from your first supply, not only do you claim they are authentic, but that they passed a major TPA service and that you were on to something big. Indicating that you were planning on continuing the selling to "make it big".

The better question now is, how many forgeries have you sold in the past, and now are you going to contact each one, tell them you sold them a forgery and give them a refund. Somehow i dont see you doing that.

And about your 100 percent satisfaction rating. Thats old hat. The vast majority of people who buy autographs on ebay arent collectors, they are buying on impulse or for a one time autograph deal. They have no clue what is real vs fake. So they order there forgery and get it and think they have the real deal. Then years down the road, if ever, they find out its a forgery, and they have already left you pos feedback. A feedback score means nothing when it comes to autographs. Some of the worst sellers of forgeries out there have 100 percent positive feedback. 

So you cant use anything about returns/feedback to try and give yourself a pass. Also, another thing you need to explain to everyone, is why you priced your items dirt cheap to start the auction? Starting an auction at a low value isnt all together abnormal, but looking at your past sales, your getting pennies on the dollar for these items. A seller who thought they had the real thing wouldnt price items this way. They would know the value, and after a few sales that went for way under market value, they would reprice accordingly. So why would you accept pennies on the dollar for items you thought were authentic? It makes zero sense unless you were tying to move bad product.

Lets look at that Eminem pic as an example. With about 5 minutes of searching, you would have known the value of a legit Em graph. And of course, had the item been authentic, you would have done that. Anyone would, to see what there item was worth. A legit Em on an 8 by 10 would probably run you no less than 100 bucks, and probably closer to 120 or 150. His autographs are highly sought after on ebay. People always bid on the authentic ones. 

Or the Winehouse graphs. Again, marked at way way undervalue. Why was that?

I also saw where you changed your ebay name today. Why is that? Could it be to try and avoid the google search? You now are known as Autographcollectors-NZ.

User ID Effective Date End Date
autographcollectors-nz Jun-09-14 Present
autographcollector-nz Mar-20-14 Jun-09-14
jamesgagamonster Jan-23-13 Mar-20-14

Carl, you forgot this one.

I'm sorry Jack but I don't believe anything your saying--and I rarely jump on someone on the forum. Your pretending to be some innocent 18 yr old trying to make your way through college.  Yet you were asked on eBay by a "potential buyer" about the autograph and you IMMEDIATELY lied about how it was obtained BY YOU IN PERSON to make the sale!  Had this thread not surfaced, or had Dan not mentioned he might go after you, you wouldn't be crying for help right now.


Hi Jack, I am pleased you have ceased selling and will for now depending on what we work out call off the dogs so to speak.

Carl has some very good points and really knows his autographs. Perhaps the joy of youth can be to blame for some of the actions but we will see.

In relation to getting COA's for your items, these are forgeries so why would you want a fake with a certificate? If you try to sell it even with a COA after being told then it is still an offence.

Can I ask whether you got these items from Trade Me or from eBay or elsewhere?

Hi Dan, as I have said previously, as far as I know these items are genuine but as you have bought these issues to my attention I have ceased the selling of these products. An acquaintance of mine is was collector of autographs and gave me some products to get us started before we started to make connections with other collectors. I wanted to start a small business as a way to raise funds for my university tuition and I took this opportunity as it was offered to me. It is also one of my ambitions to create and run a small business.

After further research i have been unable to find a New Zealand based COA company. Since you seem to be certain that some of the items are not genuine i have removed them from the store as i do not want to sell unauthentic items, this was definatly not my intention. I am shocked at these allegations as i trusted the person that provided me with these items. I have been trying to contact the person who provided me with them but have not yet got through to them.

Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention and I appreciate your concern.


Dan, i have sent you another direct message. PLease can you read it. Thanks, J

Jack advice for you-

Very mature. And everything i said was true, i turned 18 two months ago, not that its any of your business. What is however is these products, i have nothing more to say. This is what happened, this is how it is. Im trying to get ahold of the ass that gave me "fake" autographs. 

Im done on here, i have Direct messaged you dan if you could please talk to me on there if you wish to talk to me more. 

All i'm going to say is thankyou for bringing this to my attention before i sold any more, and before i received or bought anymore off my supplier. 

I'm not a bad person, i don't want to be. Sounds like i have Fu*ked up by trusting this person, not the first time i've been screwed over by someone. 

All your un-constructive negative accusing comments are no help. Dan i appreciate your messages as i am able to have a constructive conversation with you.

Thank you


An yes moderator i probably would still be selling right now, i never never even thought about them being fake. I have thanked Dan for this. Also it would have been way more helpful if someone actually contacted me when i first started 3 months ago and raised  these issues! 


I really can't believe you just posted this--up until this 3rd post, I was willing to just leave it alone -  but are you kidding with this comment?   "Also it would have been way more helpful if someone actually contacted me when i first started 3 months ago and raised  these issues!"

First of all, we don't work for eBay.  This is an autograph hobby forum. 

Secondly... it's YOUR responsibility when your selling something and stating it is 100% authentic to make sure it IS!  You are acting as if it is someone else's fault you sold these!  And the funny part is that your p.o.'d about the guy who supplied you with fakes.  How about the buyers you lied to and told you got them in person ?

Jack, I certainly hope you refund EVERY SINGLE BUYER you scammed with your lies, even if you have to get 4 jobs to pay them back.  And if I were Dan I'd make sure that you proved to me you did it, or I'd still turn your behind in.  And please don't use the excuse that they were too stupid and should have known better, or that they should have had them checked out (for some reason this is what I'm expecting you to say - seems like everyone else is at fault in this and not you).



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