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I clicked on a link today, entered my email, and immediately received the following email. anyone familiar with this guy or company?

Welcome to “my world”.
Honestly? I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that I
may possibly have the coolest job on Earth.
I literally get paid to hang out with pro
Obviously its a little more complicated than that,
but more often than not my biz partner “D” and I
can be found eating lunch, playing golf, going to
a game, or jetting off to Vegas as a part of a
slew of NBA, MLB, NHL, and NFL athlete’s
I’m not bragging, we worked our tails off to get
I just wanted to let you catch a glimpse of the
kind of access we have and lives we lead because…
1. It wasn’t always like this
2. We want to bring you in on it (more on that in
a moment!)
So how did we get started?
D has been “getting it done” since he was a
Selling baseball cards to pay for his first car
and his college tuition, he has spent 30 years in
the trenches getting athletes and other agents
what they need when no one else can.
Me? I came in from the other side…
Not to toot my own horn, but I was a pretty
bad-ass defensive back as a kid.
But when I was sidelined with a 3 year battle with
cancer during college, I was forced to change my
focus to working as a strength & conditioning
And while I still loved being part of the athletic
side, I quickly found out that I was an absolute
WIZARD at marketing and advertising.
Over the next decade I built a highly successful
(but also highly stressful) publishing business
selling how-to videos and materials for various
When that business took me and my family from New
York to Los Angeles, we moved in 3 houses down
from D.
Our wives and kids became fast friends, and when
the two of us realized that combining our skill
sets made sort of the perfect “super agent”, we
started Showpiece Sports together.
But we decided right off the bat (no pun intended)
that we where going to do something different.
Its no surprise that fans love meeting and getting
signed memorabilia from their favorite players.
But did you know that athletes actually love
meeting and signing for fans?
What they don’t like though is overwhelming
crowds, a media circus, and dealers (and other
scumbags) pushing aside die-hard fans in an
attempt to get a dozen balls signed just so they
can jack up the price.
So we changed the entire model.
No craziness for the athlete, no high-prices for
the fans.
Just connecting the two…
High quality collectibles, personalized access.
Everybody wins. (And everyone loves use for it!)
And now it your turn.
After your first investment in one of our
personally signed showpieces, you’ll be given the
keys to the kingdom and be granted access to and
be invited to more events, showings, meetings,
greetings, shows, and games than you could
possibly imagine.
Swing for the fences,
Chris Castle
Showpiece Sports
PS. By the way - there is something I learned in
this biz that is so powerful, its literally an
(almost) unfair advantage when it comes to closing
Business or personal ;)
I’ll tell you about it next time.

PPSS. That clock is tick-tockin'. Get in on this special
one-time-offer before you lose out.

Click here now

PPPSSS. Here's a picture of me and Magic signing basketballs
in his Beverly Hills office.

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When you click the link, it just jumps to a page of 6 items for sale, ranging from Bo Jackson to Magic Johnson and this:

Ted Williams Autographed 16x20 Lithograph
Ted Williams Autographed 16x20 Lithograph
HOT-LIST: BEST INVESTMENT BUY- Ted Williams Autographed 16x20 Lithograph. PSA Certificate of Authenticity.
Available Qty: 16
Price: $499
Price: $129.00

Whole lot of hot air in that email.

I agree Rich. A bunch of BS just to include a link to a few items. The price on the Ted Williams is good, especially with a JSA LOA, but the wording of the email sounds like you have to join some buyers club or something. I don't do cults, but wanted to see if anyone on here was familiar with this guy.

Comes off as an investment banker instead of a memorabilia seller.

I know a seller who bought 10 of those prints for 79.99 each, so he likely did the same and is just flipping them.

I don't know how many of these Green Monster poses Williams signed, but they seem to be coming out of the woodwork. I have seen numerous dealers have them in quantity.

Well they're out of 5000 I believe and I have a feeling they were released after his death. 

This guy reminds me of the used car salesman from the movie "True Lies". Another email today, looks like it is going to be a daily occurrence. 

Its no big secret…people LOVE celebrities.
And although Hollywood stars burn out after their
heyday, if a professional athlete makes his mark
on the world?
They become legend.
And while its always cool for any sports fan to
have a legend’s autograph…
There is also a sort of “power transfer” that
occurs when you put that legend’s showpiece on
Case in point…
One of my buddies back East is a financial planner
for Fidelity.
He’s actually very good at his job, but because he
looks so young (although he’s in his 40’s) getting
new clients was always a challenge.
Being a HUGE baseball fan, last Christmas I sent
him a signed Don Mattingly bat which he
immediately displayed front-and-center on his
Do you think it was a coincidence that EVERY
SINGLE person since who has come to meet him has
signed up as a client?
Of course not…
Not only does he have an awesome “icebreaker” to
start the conversation rolling, but Don was a real
stand-up, trustworthy, and reliable player.
Any Yankees or Dodgers fan that walks through his
door immediately transfers those traits (whether
they realize that or not) to my friend simply
through the power of celebrity association.
Pretty cool right? Here’s another one…
A few years ago one of our clients got divorced
after 20 years of marrage.
He’s a very nice guy who typically buys mainly
safe and sound “investment pieces” from us (which
also helped hide his assets from his crazy
ex-wife…we’ll talk about that next time).
When he jumped back into the dating pool, he was
sorely out of practice.
When he told me this I went back into the
warehouse, brought out a VERY specific signed
showpiece and made him a bet…
If he didn’t get (ahem…) some “action” in 30 days,
he didn’t have to pay me.
So who was the showpiece signed by?
Dennis Rodman!
Although most girls don’t like sports, they love
celebrity, and they especially LOVE bad-boys.
It doesn’t get any “badder” than Rodman.
Needless to say, just 2 days after leaving my
office I received a check from my client with the
words “You Win” in the memo.
All he did after going out to dinner (with some
super hot girl he met online) was say…
“Hey, do you like sports?”
“Not particularly.” she said.
“Do you know who Dennis Rodman is?” he continued.
“The guy with all the tattoos that was with Carmen
“Yeah, you want to see something cool?”
“Awesome, lets get the check and get out of here.”
Done deal.
Whether you start investing in our signed
showpieces for business or “pleasure” is up to
you, but I can absolutely promise that amazing
things will start to happen once you put it on
Give it a try and see what I mean:
Swing for the fences,
Chris Castle
Showpiece Sports
PS. The “right” showpiece makes all the difference
in the world. So don’t just go out there and buy
any old thing signed. It just doesn’t work that
That’s what we’re here for. if you ever have any
questions, go ahead and drop me a message simply
by responding to this email.
PPS. Watch that countdown clock...
PPPS. Remember, next time a little “asset
protection”. Don’t miss it.
These emails get more and more ridiculous:

Okay, let me start off today with a big, fat

I am not a lawyer, CPA, financial planner, IRS
agent, or anyone who is even remotely ALLOWED to
give you actual “by-the-book” advice on asset

I’m just going to share some “stories” of what
I’ve “heard”.

(Jeez…hope your savvy enough to read between
those lines!)

Case Study #1: Divorced Dude

Remember our divorced friend showing girls his
balls? (Basketballs…get your mind out of the

Anyway, it was actually his nutso ex-wife
who started the divorce proceedings.

She evidently felt “trapped” after all those years
of not working, playing tennis everyday, and
living in a 20,000 sq. ft. mansion.

As usual the divorce lawyers took him to the

It was nasty.

They had to sell the house, his alimony payments
where astronomical, and it actually put him into a
bit of a financial hardship.

But you know what she didn’t get?

Any of his sports “crap” (her words) he had at his

(I’ll tell you why in a minute)

Little did she and her lawyers know that “crap”
was worth well over $250,000!

The day after the divorce was finalized he had us
auction off ONLY the pieces he bought for
investment purposes (he kept all his favorites) to
get him back on his feet in style.

(And we already heard about his vastly improved
“social life” in my last email)

Case Study #2: Bankruptcy Bad-ass

Last year one of our favorite clients lost a huge
(and total B.S.) lawsuit.

The resulting judgement almost cleaned him out so
badly that he had to bring on a bankruptcy
attorney to start putting together what was going
to be a devastating Chapter 7.

But our friend had a plan.

He knew that those greedy SOBs who lied and
cheated their way to a win in court would freak
out if there was a chance they would only receive
liquidation value of his assets in bankruptcy

So although every visible asset (bank accounts,
real estate, retirement plans, insurance, etc.)
was fleeced…

No one ever knew about the storage unit in his
mother’s name FILLED to the brim with close to a
MILLION bucks worth of autographed baseballs,
bats, basketballs, pennants, photos, and other
investment grade memorabilia we had set him up
with through the years.

He negotiated a settlement, paid the scumbags off
by liquidating his visible assets, and had us
cash-in at top dollar the pieces he had purchased
specifically for this reason.

He asked me to take him to my Ferrari contact just
last week. (Yes, you could say he’s back on

By the way…everything a group of “asset protection
experts” concocted for him (trusts, extra
corporations, insurance products, etc.) was busted
wide open.

Final Case Study: Collectible Cop

When it rains, its pours…

Not everybody we deal with has (or needs)
mega-bucks to get started.

Case in point is a retired NYPD officer client who
has bought a few pieces here and there from us
over the years (mostly Yankees and NY Giants stuff
as a fan).

With 4 daughters, this poor guy
had bills coming out the wahoo.

One August, daughter #1 decided to get married, #2
decided to go to graduate school, #3 lost her
athletic scholarship for the upcoming semester,
and #4 crashed the family car into the garage.

I wish he had just given me a call (I could have
gotten him more money faster), but being the
take-charge kind of guy he is, he actually sold
off the most valuable pieces of his collection on
Ebay and at a couple collectible shows in NJ.

He was a little sad to part with his showpieces,
but he’d do anything for his girls.

But here’s the best part…

A few years later his wife called, told me the
whole story, said she had gotten had just been
given a big promotion and raise at work, and
wanted to see what I could do to get some of her
husbands pieces back.

Of course we took the challenge, looked up his
file and…

Through our network got every single piece he sold
back for him (not all the exact same item, but ALL
the same players)

At HALF price!

Meaning that although he had to part ways with his
collection when he was in a pinch, he basically
made over 200%.

(He sold all the original items at 2x the price we
originally gave him, and we restored his
collection with equal value pieces at 50% less
than market value again.)

And talk about a happy ending to all this…

He actually had so much fun buying and selling, he
turned the whole enterprise into a second career.
(buys from us at 50% and sells at 100-300%!)

I know, not technically “asset protection” but

Sounds like he’s having a great time.

Hope some of these stories helped.

If your ready to get started, here you go:

Click Here Now

Swing for the fences,

Chris Castle
Showpiece Sports

PS. Really want in on this week's deals but afraid
your wife will flip her lid?

Go on ahead and share stories 2 & 3 with her if
you need to.

Under NO circumstances do you tell her story #1!

(If you do I can’t be held responsible.)

PPS. Next time some more ways to make money with
memorabilia, collectibles, and showpieces.

PPPS. Stop procrastinating. Go get in on this before the
timer runs out and you miss out on these HOT, HOT deals:

Click Here Now
Good grief... Sounds like a pump and dump penny stock hustler.
Btw, anytime a dealer mentions "investment" or "assets" in connection with mass signed modern items...

Hold your wallet tightly and RUN away as fast as you can.
Agreed on both comments.
Too Long; Didn't Read!

What a tool. LOL.


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